All Night, All Day (2015)

My ‎#MICAphoto students and I went out to photograph the morning after the Baltimore Uprising, to document and bear witness to the tragic events. 

While we were by North Ave & Pennsylvania Ave, we watched the police mass, from a few officers when we arrived, to 100+ over the span of an hour. This led to them sealing off the block, displacing all those that were trying to help peacefully. The police then proceeded to hold the block - 27 officers standing shoulder to shoulder in full riot gear - while continuing to stage behind their line. 

I made several photographs of the complete line before deciding to make individual portraits of the officers as a record of those present and a measure of accountability. Most of the officers did not display badges or nameplates.

This culminated in Holding That Line, Part One and Holding That Line, Part Two. I continued to photograph with an emphasis on portraiture, seeking to represent this difficult moment in our city. Some of the sub-series include: Two Days LaterState of Emergency, and Sandtown-Winchester.

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